Sunday, September 15, 2013

Little Eyes

So for some really weird reason I signed up to be an ambassador for the Let's Go 510 race in Berkeley.  It's a part of the "Run The Bay Challenge".  I LOVE the 408K and while at the Marin 415 I made a new "race junkie" friend! 

I am a huge supporter for these events...LOVE THEM.  So to be an ambassador I had to "guest blog post", heck I hardly do my own blog so doing a post on another site made me want to vomit. Here it's no biggie all my typo's but on their site, would people get my humor?  Would they think I am a total idiot?  Total loser?  Would they figure me out that I am a lazy mom that just wants to lay around and eat chips (no I totally don't do that) but that I don't want my bum to look like I do that.

Well, here is my post.  I am totally stalking the Blog for the 510 waiting for my post to appear...terrified waiting for the smart kids to start making fun of me...again! 

"Little Eyes"
It’s been an amazing journey having kids, not all is picture perfect, there are so many things I could do better. So I say, “No judging unless you're wearing my shoes."  But my kids and husband make me want to be a better person, a healthier person. 

I try to cook and bake from scratch, so now I get off the couch and woggle like nobody has woggled it before.  I totally rock a woggle.  For the record “woggle” is totally a word, Webster just hasn't bothered to get with the times!  Wait, you don’t know woggle?  I’m sure many of you woggle w/o knowing it!  Woggle, as defined by me and only me, is to do a walk/jog combo.  Getting said bum across the finish line by any means possible w/o doing harm to my old lady parts.  So it goes on record that I am not a good runner, parts start to hurt when I do it.  Yes, I know about proper form and cadence, and while I am not good at sticking to it, I do try.  So I go forth and WOGGLE!!!!

So now that I woggle as much as I can, my daughter started asking me if she could start going to the track w/me and then she wanted to join me and do some races too.  At the early age of 5, she declared that she wanted to do Wharf to Wharf with me. This race was the first race I had ever done and it is a very special race and she wanted to do it along side me. Later my mother decided that if her 5-year-old granddaughter could do a 10K, well, so could she!  I was beyond thrilled at this turn of events.  I never thought I could share this joy I found doing races with others.  (Now there are races I go to that my whole “mommy van o doom” is full of friends that now do races.  LOVE! IT!)

All these times I strapped them into the double stroller, it became a part of their lives too.  Something that they looked forward to, started asking to “go rock the BOB please” so I could walk; I really think it was the great snacks I provided, but I don’t know.  Then it became “we want to watch you cross the finish line, Momma!” My son would start yelling “I NEED TO TRAIN TOO!”  and run laps through the house. Then, at the track, they started doing laps rather than just sit in the stroller!

One event that I hope I never forget, it still brings tears to my eyes today:  I was training for my first Half Marathon.  Getting up super early on Saturday mornings to do the long runs (HA woggle) on the treadmill. My first long run ever-10 miles. Well, at mile 8, I started to crash and crash hard (is there any other type of crashing). There were my kids and husband cheering me on, “GO MOMMA GO MOMMA GO MOMMA” and they kept it up for 2 long miles, bringing me cups of water and giving me huge smiles along w/throwing the “I love you” sign to keep me going.  Those little faces and that cheering is what made me realize that I have little eyes watching what I am doing, and what I do is important."

Saturday, August 31, 2013

I Talk About Bloggin But Do I?

Um, That's a huge NO!  I keep thinking I will blog more but Facebook gets in the way.  I only have so much awesomeness and it's only a few sentences at a time, so Facebook is my perfect venue.  But I have this brain thingy and I use it every now and then, I really do.  Not that I have anything major to say, I, like millions of other have a blog, I should use it.  I don't blog very well, but I do blog occasionally.

So what's going down these kids are finally in grade school, I work part time for adult time, and I volunteer at the kids school when I can.  Yes, it's very give give give, when does the take start.  Well trust me I the form of 10K's and a few Half Marathons and the training for them.  If you think I blog badly, trust me I race badly too!  But I LOVE THEM.  I get weekly emails about local evens and I just have this massive urge to register regardless of my schedule or health!  Oh yeah that health thingy that gets me across the finish line...can't forget about that can I?  Trust me I try, but it always wins...always.

This year I have spent a lot of time at drs or hospitals...won't bore you w/the details other than my kidney's trying to kill me in the form of stones and my gall bladder is trying to kill me in the form of stones.  Do you see a reoccurring theme here?  It seems some of my hollow organs like to use themselves as a change purse or something...then nothing says "sexy" like a grade 3 w/o detachment tear on my left calf muscle.  Lots of swelling and bruising included-crutches/cane required on that one!

I'll be starting PT next week darn good thing cause I have a family race "Color Me Rad" in San Jose w/my daughter, Mom, and big brothers family.  It will be a BLAST.  I mean I will look like a bag of skittles threw up on me, how can that not be fun?  It's only a 5K so I shouldn't let myself get too damaged, but hey it's me.  Anything can happen!!!

Live Laugh Love,

Sunday, February 19, 2012

I am a Dork...True Story, Sadly, I Have Proof Part I

I am such a total dork at times, I stress about small things. Yes I know one day it will kill me thank you I am totally "in the know" of what it does to your health. So you can keep it to yourself m'kay?

I am a bit of an over achiever on top of that, let me explane. I want me kids to know that I am trying to put in the effort for various holidays that are important to them. I want them to be proud of the things they give others-not be embarrassed by them.

So lets talk Valentines Day shall we, oh that noise you heard it was just a 12g shot gun getting ready-nothing to worry about. So my lovely daughter was giving little handmade (my hands), heart paper book markers to 27 humans. So that's 4 hearts traced and cut out, various folding had to happen and then you glue them to a long green pipe cleaner. Hey let's not leave out the sweet little ribbon bow(eleven inches each) w/a name tag on it! Yeah good times were flowing like mad!

Oh wait she also goes to after care at a wonderful preschool along w/my son! So let's see that would be 32 red velvet whoopie pies from my little "Dr. Love"-he has the shirt so I have proof that is his name! And 32 red velvet Cake Pops from my daughter, thank goodness I had the sense to keep some of those bad boys in the freezer. I was able to just defrost and dip away the love for Love Day!!! I was smart here as I put both their treats in the same bag and exclaimed "Were going green this yeah kiddos!" They totally bought it and I looked like I cared about our environment, a total win win!

Let's add the 2 dozen Cake Pop order that was to be delivered along w/the boy child to his wonderful preschool too...just to add to the stress of it. I swear my counter looked like "Barbie's Dream House Bakery" just exploded all over my kitchen counter. Pink was all over the place!!!

Next Day...I know your just biting your nails to see what happened at my daughter's class "Love and Friendship Day" party. Not too bad most of the moms are kinda nice, one is totally odd duck and I don't care for her but she follows me around like a puppy so I wonder if I carrying some rolled up newspaper might give her a clue? I was told on many occasions during the party that I was over doing it...they hadn't even seen the stuff for the preschool so who were they to judge? But really I told the one Mom I adore I do it so the haters have someone to hate and then they don't talk to me...yet another win win for this Mom of two awesome children!

I have so much more to add about my week-yeah that was only up to got so much more festive later in the week. But I will save that for another time-your welcome. Now let's see if I can get that photo properly placed...FTW!! Go me!!!


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

All Right That's Just IT!!!!

I have this really quiet little blog w/a really cute name that I never seem to use...I am a dork. I have so much fun doing something-fun? Try new obsession! They are the CAKE POP obsession that's sweeping the nation!

Well I have totally drank up the Kool-Aid and jumped in to being assimilated to this fun fun idea. I will be posting some pictures of all my little goodies that I totally copy from other web sites. Unless I specifically say "hey home fry I came up w/this bad boy on my own" I will have totally pouched it from someone else. I will try to make sure to give credit where credit is English teachers would be so proud that I remembered their influence to "site all sources" (let's not tell them that I over sited stuff so my papers were longer m'kay?).

But I digress-I do that a lot, please bear w/me! I am totally putting myself out there in the web world mostly to show people that "if this can be done by me REALLY anyone can do it". You may not have the time-that I totally get!

So then if you see something you like I can whip it up for you. Or if you would like me to set up a class to show a group of you how easy this stuff is, I am totally happy to do that too! For the record I am in the process of setting one up-just waiting on DH to settle up some dates for stuff he needs to do and I will have one! or two depending on the response.

I am still in the process of getting into shape...I know round is a shape! But being on the the fine line of Type II Diabetic is not fun so I will be posting some boring info about my training and my love of fundraising for a cause that is near and dear to my heart, for the Sjogren's Foundation.

PHOTOS!!! I promise to post photos, please bear in mind that I use my beloved iPhone 4s-her name is Sophie and I love her-don't ask I name everything! I am going to try and get lots of photos on here if I can figure it out! Ok I got a photo on here (I rock) but it's posting on the top (ok notsomuch)...let's see if I can figure this bad boy out!

All my best

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Back by Popular Request...

You request and I shall fulfill. I have a great salad and salad dressing to go with said Strawberry Pasta. I bring this salad to many o parties too.

If I may be a salad snob for a moment, I rarely buy bottled dressings I really do prefer to make them. Eh gads have you read what's in most bottled dressings!!!! Many of them have the what I call "evil stuff" high fructose corn syrup, I try very hard not to have that in any foods that my family but that is a personal choice but I am kinda freaky that way!

Ok now I am off my soap box, for now, on to the "salad of heaven".
Strawberry Avocado Salad
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup raspberry vinegar
1 1/2 Tbl sugar
1/4 tsp. hot sauce
1/4 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp/ pepper
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1 head romaine, torn into bite-size pieces
1/2 (11 0z) can mandarin oranges, drained ( I have used the whole can because that's how I roll)
1 cup strawberries, stemmed and quartered
1/2 cup sliced read onion (I forget this a lot)
1/4 cup coarsely chopped toasted pecans (yes you do need to toast them)
1/2 avocado, sliced (I use the whole thing b/c really when you love avocado like do, who the hell can leave a half of avocado on the counter)

Combine the olive oil, vinegar, sugar, hot sauce, salt, pepper and cinnamon in a jar. Shake well and refrigerate for 2 hours. Combine the romaine, oranges, strawberries, onion, pecans, and avocado in a large bowl. Top w/half the dressing; toss well. Serve w/the remaining dressing on the side.

Hope you enjoy it,

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Lessons Learned Today

So it's the usual "when life gives you lemons you make lemon aid" right? So when a lovely friend gives me a 4lb box of strawberries I make Strawberry Pasta!!! Yes PASTA, don't be scared try it you sissy!

Strawberry Pasta
1 pint fresh strawberries
1/2 pound spaghetti
1/4 cu grated pecorino or parmesan cheese
2 tablespoons butter
1/4 cup heavy cream
mint sprigs for garnish

Puree the strawberries in a blender. Strain to remove seeds ( I never strain as I have a life). Cook the spaghetti using the package direction; drain and toss with the cheese. Heat the butter and cream in a small saucepan. Move the pasta to a serving bowl, cover with strawberries, and then the butter sauce. Toss well. Serve with additional cheese and garnish with mint, is desired.

I know what I am having for dinner tonight, how about you?


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ode to the Cupcake

Why on earth do I have an obsession for cupcakes? I love those little suckers. I want to make them all the time. I call friends up and beg them to make them for them or their kids parties. I know I have an unhealthy love of the cupcake. I should probably be medicated but what to take?

When people ask me that lame arse question about "If you could do any job what would it be". Well I would go to work for a cupcake bakery, for free, just to learn how to make amazing cupcakes.

I have one problem when I make cupcakes, just that, I have cupcakes around me. I don't want to eat them, I just want to give them away! If they are around me I might eat said cupcakes and then said arse can't fit in the door, and trust me nobody wants to see that.

So unfortunately each kidlet birthday party I set myself up. I keep setting the bar higher and higher darn it! I even start doing the research over 6 months in advance...SOMEBODY STOP ME!!!! I have another party coming up in August and I am already stressing about how or more like what type of cupcakes to make for my little princess.

If Jessie James can get treatment for being "an asshole" is there any treatment for cupcake making addiction?

Food Byte: Another way to kill bacteria on sponges (besides the micro for 2 minutes) you can boil your sponge for a full 5 minutes.

Live Laugh Love!